Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So Much to do in 200 Days or Less

I'm not sure how the next few months will play out. 

Matthew and I are getting married in March. We've planned two things for it. We have a lot left to do. 

I start my MBA in a few weeks. I've heard that this will devour any time I have outside of work. 

Then there's the whole work thing. Just a guess but I bet things will stay busy there. 

I wonder if I can apply for a time turner. Maybe someone wants to be my assistant.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Been going for a week

So, it's been a week since my "I'd like to be healthy and not die before I'm 50" decision. I haven't made many huge changes; mainly I've made several small ones.

First of all, Matt has been extremely supportive and diligent with food measurement. Having a supportive partner in being healthy. My sister has been very supportive too. She's had a lot of good ideas for cutting back food and exercising.

Secondly, we've been doing a combination of calorie counting and portion control. We've also been trying to eat every 2 or so hours. This is a bit of a challenge at work. I've been eating something on my way to work. Then having part of my lunch around 10 and eating another snack at 2. I noticed that I'm not starving after work. I used to be really hungry and feel a bit shaky after work because I wouldn't eat until 11 then not have a snack the rest of the day. I've also noticed that I'm feeling full after eating a measured portion.

So, I dunno, I haven't started working out yet. That'll be easier when Matt starts work next week. Our plan is to commute to Bellevue together then he'll either drive to Seattle or take the bus (depending on where I have to be during the day).

We haven't bought a scale (it's on our to do list). So I don't know if I've actually lost weight or not.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My leaf has been crumpled

I wanted to be really on top of things, so I emailed my insurance (Regence) and explained my health concerns and asked about my weight and my plan for preventing them the future costs of the issues I'm a candidate for (diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure, and cholesterol). 

Their response was 

According to your health plan, benefits are not available for services  intended to result in weight reduction, including but not limited to:

        - surgery (including reversals);
        - treatment;
        - programs;
        - supplies.

Please note, coverage is not available regardless of the diagnosis.
It's a bit upsetting. I have the best insurance that PSE offers. I checked all the other plans they offer and none of them cover any weight loss benefits. I feel this is a huge set-back. It definitely made me think whether I really wanted to do this. 

I decided rather fast that I'm still interested in surgery if I decide it's the best option for me. I'm looking into ways of financing this and will probably go to an information session at a local hospital that offers the surgery.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Turning a new leaf

I've been thinking a lot lately about life and that I don't want to die before I'm 55. I mean, my mom died at 47, my grandma at 40-something and an aunt at 52. In the past I've had a morbid indifference to the idea of dying young.

I decided recently that I'd like to work to live to be old. I mean, I'm relatively healthy but I do have several health risks.

The root of all these risks is my weight. I've been overweight my whole life. My parents have always pressured me to drop the pounds but I've always found it difficult. I mean, I've cut out some of the worst items on my menu... somewhat. I do eat more healthy food than non-healthy but the key I've missed is portion control.

I went to the doctor today to talk about it (with a lot of hesitation as I've had horrible and frustrating conversations with doctors in the past). My thought going in was getting a diet pill. She didn't think that would be a good way to go. I guess most of the FDA okayed pills aren't terribly effective. She asked if I had considered surgery (gastric bypass or lap band surgery). She thinks I'd qualify because of my BMI.

We also talked about exercise. I mentioned that there's a rather nice gym at work, but I don't like to stay very late because I want to get home to see Matt. Once Matt starts his job we'll commute together and I'll have extra time at work (which I've planned on using for exercise). The doctor said that if my goal is to spend more time with Matt I should workout (even if it means delaying coming home) as that will increase the years in the life I share with Matt.

I have to say that she really pinpointed my motivation for even broaching the subject. Sure, part of my reasoning is vanity, part of it health, but part of it (and possibly the scale-tipper) is wanting to be a healthy partner to spend life with. It's really time I stop moping about my weight and working to do something about it.

I've decided to try the dieting (well, portion control) and exercising for about 6 months. Matt's on-board with that (I mean, the portion control with change up his diet too) and he's extremely supportive of me. If I'm not healthier in 6 or so months I'll talk to my insurance about surgery.

This way I feel as if I'm not jumping straight to the "easy way". I know this will be frustrating but I think it will make my life better.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

At last...

My best friend moved in today. Okay, it was a soft move. He still has stuff at his apartment, but he has a good portion of his stuff here.

Matt's on the hunt for a job and I think the search is going well. He has one interview all ready. I feel pretty optimistic about people wanting to hire him.

Tonight we went grocery shopping and bought our food for the week. We're talking about tracking our food expenses to see where has the best deals over time and whether it's worth the time to shop around or just go to one store. I'm working on the spreadsheet now actually. I'm not sure how to capture the amount of food in the containers. Oh well, we'll figure it out. I think we'll have some fun with that.

It's nice to think he won't have to limit his time with me anymore. It'll be a nice change of pace to come home and see him instead of choosing one or the other. We both feel very happy about this step in our relationship.

In other news...I finally got my tax return. I paid off one credit card and plan on paying down another. I bought a laptop too. I'm working on recreating my music list. It's so nice to have my own PC again.

That's all I have for now folks.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Our house: the fence

I have to confess that I don't check on my yard that often. In fact, before Sunday I hadn't been in my backyard for a few months. Matt had the idea of putting a vegetable garden in so we could have some yummy produce. We went out to scope the terrain when we found that two sections of the fence were down.

I was a bit panicked, but I felt optimistic that Matt and I could figure this out. Our first order of business was a trip to Lowes. I'll skip over the details about driving around the perimeter of the store before finding the way in and us zigzagging through the store... we left with what we needed at least.

We realized pretty fast that this would take a few hours at best. I was worried that we wouldn't get it done in one day. Matt went through and replaced the brackets that needed replacing.


I worked to reassemble a section which was over 90% in ruins. 

It was nice out so we got to enjoy the sun. It was a bit of a challenge to finish up even after we got the pieces back together. The sections didn't quite fit into place when they were originally put up. Matt and I managed it though.

Next weekend we're going to put a garden in... it should be fun!! 

Monday, April 12, 2010

From the wonderful world of love

I've been meaning to post something since last September about my incredibly wonderful boyfriend. Here is a brief history of us.

First Date: (9/13/2009)

This was the best first date I ever had. Probably the second best date ever. Matt and I met up in Seattle on a Sunday. We didn't have specific plans. I suggested that we walk to Pike's Place Market, grab some food, chill out... we ended up walking around Seattle for 11 hours. We had a few meals together and had a really wonderful time. We walked to the Waterfront, hung out in Pioneer Square, and a few other places. I enjoyed talking with Matt. I liked his intelligent sense of humor, the stories he told me about juggling and board games and quite a few other details I learned.

Soon we didn't know where else to walk to. It was getting dark and kind of late. I had to catch the train back home. I was going through one of those panics of orchestrating a kiss that wasn't awkward. Matt waited with me at the Pioneer Square train station. I think we both were working out how and when to lean into a kiss.

It was almost out of a movie. I stood up; I thought my train was coming. Matt stood up too. We were rather close together. I was really nervous. I don't remember if he leaned in for the kiss or if I did. What I do remember is that it was incredible. I nearly forgot that I was supposed to get on the train.

Date two:

It was a few days after our first date. I think it was a Wednesday. We decided to meet near UW after I got off work. (We made these plans while I was at work.) Again we set off without specific plans. We walked around the Ave and through parts of the UW campus. We talked a lot more and kissed more. Stopping at the UW bookstore was fun; we both enjoy books and bookstores.

Once again it got late, but I didn't want to leave. Matt knew a park in the direction we were headed (having made a loop on the Ave). It was just before twilight so the last bits of the sun were making the path visible. We walked past a person who was playing his guitar.

I felt like we were in another movie. Matt and I were holding hands, walking through the park, perhaps sharing a kiss or two in the early evening while a person played a nice acoustic tune. It was perfect.

This was definitely the best date I've ever had.

Going steady

Matt and I started spending every weekend together. We went to see Romeo et Juliet at the ballet. We spent Halloween together too. Matt made my birthday wonderful by making me a delicious dinner, taking me out for sushi, meeting my dad and stepmom for dinner and by being wonderful.

I was surprised how well we meshed. We liked doing a lot of the same things. We both got into crocheting. We were both into reading and having rather pointless debates. Matt didn't mind my rather geeky moments of excitement over a poem or something from work. It always seemed like we were having fun together. Every weekend we spent together was wonderful.

Soon after Thanksgiving I realized I was falling in love with him. I wasn't really surprised by this. It would be hard for someone not to fall for such a sweet person.

Being in love

Christmas came and Matt went home for two very long weeks. I dropped Matt off at the airport feeling a bit sad that I said "goodbye" but not "I love you". I was very glad to see Matt when he got back from Minnesota. I knew I had to tell him that I cared, that I loved him.

Matt and I rang in the new year together. It was quite a night. We kissed at midnight and a few times after that. I still hadn't said what I meant to say.

I wish I could pretend that I had some eloquent speech/proclamation of love. It was two days before we both had to go back to work after the new year. I had to say it. I kind of blurted it out and to my deep delight, he said that he loved me.

We were both giddy. Both of us had been wanting to say it but neither had the nerve. I still get a thrill when he tells me he loves me. Saying "I love you" caused the few walls between us to fall down. We both felt quite uninhibited and wonderful.


In January Matt and I went to Portland together. Unfortunately I had a kidney infection at the time. We still had a wonderful time. (I had the foresight to go to the ER before we left so I had the appropriate meds with me.) Our hotel room was really great. The bed was huge and I had requested the maximum amount of pillows. Matt and I visited Powel's Bookstore in Portland and the Chinatown area. We also bought some rather yummy truffles. Matt took me out on a wonderful date at a very nice Indian restaurant. We visited OMSI and saw a cool IMAX film while we were there. It was a really incredible trip. We both enjoyed our visit.

Last month Matt and I went camping on the Oregon coast. We stayed at Beverly Beach State Park. We had one of the best sites there. We got to walk on the beach, go to a lighthouse, go to a neat pub, and enjoy some tourist spots. Camping was tons of fun. I imagine we'll do that more this summer.

Moving forward

This last weekend (after having an internal debate for sometime) Matt and I talked about moving in together when his lease is up in August. He said he had been thinking about it seriously for some time. I've been quite gleeful since we talked about it.

I can't wait to have a home with this wonderful person I have been fortunate to have in my life. I love him and it's more incredible than anything I have ever experienced before.

I could probably go on for a while about our relationship and fun we've had together. If I remember to blog more, I'll have more details closer to the relevant times. :)
